Trails: 33 | Lifts: 1

Machine Groomed
H: 39 L: 28

Ski Patrol/Snow Safety


Bromley Ski Patrol/Snow Safety

Proudly keeping Bromley safe since 1936

Call/Text The Ski Patrol, Directly At 802-855-0512
In Season Between 9am-4pm

vintage photo of bromley ski patrol

(Photo circa 1960s)

About the Bromley Ski Patrol:

The entire patrol takes great pride in ensuring a safe snow sports environment for you to enjoy. Our ski patrollers can be identified by their red jackets with white crosses. The patrol is comprised of dedicated and highly skilled men and women. At Bromley, we have paid and volunteer patrollers. In addition to their primary responsibilities of providing emergency care and transport, they can be seen out on the hill promoting safety on the mountain. Ski Patrol every morning “opens the mountain”, checks trails and the first run conditions. During the day, our patrollers can be seen skiing or snowboarding “out and about” checking trails, marking any hazards, checking slow zones and our terrain parks, as well as, training to maintain and practice their skills. At the end of the day, patrollers close the lifts, meet in designated locations and are assigned trails to “sweep” the mountain, ensuring all patrons are off the hill.

AnchorWinter Months:

To report a person in need of first aid, having a medical emergency, lost or in need of any assistance call/text directly to 802-855-0512 from a cell phone. You may also dial extension 421 from any mountain courtesy phone, or if you do not have a phone, notify the nearest lift attendant. Dialing 911 to report on-hill emergencies will only delay our response.

AnchorSummer Months:

During the Summer and Fall, when the mountain’s summer operations are open, a staffed First Aid Room is located on the second floor of the base lodge in the “Kids Rule” space accessible off the deck. Please call the mountain at 802-824-5522 and state your location and nature of injury or dial 911 for help.

AnchorStay Safe with these Safety Suggestions:

ski patrollers at bromley mountain

  • Our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable mountain experience for all of our snow sports guests. Knowing the Skier and Rider’s Responsibility Code is important as well as your own personal responsibility, common sense and awareness on the hill. This can help you minimize your risk on the slopes and ensure your own safety and that of those around you.
  • Parents, please ensure your children have their “location on” or “share my location” on their mobile device or think about using an Apple ID tag. This can help you and our Ski Patrol find them in the event of an emergency or if they are lost.
  • Please be familiar with our Terrain Park Rules when playing in the parks. There are Park Rangers circulating through the parks checking on features and ensuring everyone is following the park rules.
  • Please adhere to our slow zones marked by signage around the mountain and especially in the base area and where many trails merge together.
  • While it is tempting to venture off trail, please stay in bounds and enjoy the Bromley groomed trails, bumps and multiple wooded/gladed terrain. Heading out of bounds and off premises puts yourself and our Ski Patrollers at unnecessary risk. We have had skiers get lost.
  • Uphill travel has become increasingly popular and can take place on designated trails; before, during, and after hours. Please ensure, for your safety, someone knows your location and whereabouts – especially before and after hours. Be aware of snow machines on the mountain especially during off hours. We ask that you comply with the mountain policy regarding uphill travel found here.
  • Additional National Ski Area Association sponsored safety messages for helmet safety, lift safety, collision safety and deep snow safety can be found here.
  • Bromley will comply with Vermont law (12 V.S.A. § 1038) for all collisions between skiers/riders.

AnchorBromley Ski Patrol and First Aid Locations

Base Area - First Aid Room/Ski Patrol

The First Aid Room is located on the ground floor, east side of the base area, underneath the ski rental area. This is where injured patrons are taken for further examination off the hill. This is also where all Ski Patrollers start and end their day. The First Aid Room is staffed from 8:30am-5:00pm daily during the ski season.

ski patrol locations at bromley mountain. snow mobile, pump house.

On-Hill Ski Patrol Locations

The Ski Patrol main headquarters is located at the summit just off the #1 Sun Mountain Express and next to the observation tower.

summit ski patrol shack
The Ski Patrol satellite building, used during busy times or weather delays accessing the summit, is located in the snowmaking building next to the top of the #5 Alpine Chairlift facing the Spring Trail entrance.

ski patrol mid mountain

AnchorBecoming a Ski Patroller at Bromley Mountain

ski patrollers at bromley mountain

If you are interested in more information on becoming a member of the Bromley Ski Patrol or the Young Adult Patrol (under 18)– please don’t hesitate to visit us at the First Aid Room in the base area or stop in to our summit patrol building and meet our patrollers. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have. The Bromley Ski Patrol is a proud member of the National Ski Patrol and follows its guidelines for our Ski Patrol Operations. You may also email the Ski Patrol/Patrol Director at for additional information.

AnchorImportant Phone Numbers & Contact Info:

  • Ski Patrol Summit Direct – 802-855-0512
  • Ski Patrol via Mountain Phone – 802-824-5522 x 421
  • First Aid Room via Mountain Phone – 802-824-5522 x 420
  • Ski Patrol Director – 802-824-5522 x 425
  • Off Hours Emergency – 911
  • Email – Doug Zecher, Ski Patrol Director
  • Social Media – Instagram @bromleymountainskipatrol or @bromleymountain