Trails: 32 | Lifts: 2

Machine Groomed
H: 44 L: 31

The Bart J. Ruggiere Adaptive Sports Center provides people with disabilities and their families the opportunity to enjoy outdoor sports, regardless of their mental or physical disability. The program offers alpine skiing and snowboarding instruction for abilities ranging from first-timers to aspiring competitors using the latest in adaptive technology and teaching techniques. Regardless of the participant’s age, the Bart Center looks forward to providing a safe, fun learning experience.

Wounded Military Heroes Weekend is January 28-30th. We invite Veterans from all over to join us at the Bart Center for a weekend of free ski and snowboard lessons for Veterans and their family members.

The Bart Center's Motto:

The only limits that anyone has are the limits that they set themselves 

For More Information on the Bart Center please visit their website at

Full Bart Center operations begin 12/26. We strongly encourage you to reserve your spot ahead of time online. Please click here to do so.

Please note: All adaptive lessons are terrain-dependent. Early season offerings may be limited. Call or email with questions. 802.824.6849 ext. 430

You can support the Bart Center via donation here. Thank you!

We rely heavily on volunteers to keep these opportunities available for our guests. Give us a call at 802.824.6849 ext. 430, or send an email to learn more about just how much fun working with the Adaptive Program can be! Would you like to volunteer? Find out more about becoming a volunteer, and apply today!